The FBI originated from a force of Special Agents created in 1908 by Attorney General Charles Bonaparte during the Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt. The two men first met when they both spoke at a meeting of the Baltimore Civil Service Reform Association. Roosevelt, then Civil Service Commissioner, boasted of his reforms in federal law enforcement. It was 1892, a time when law enforcement was often political rather than professional. Roosevelt spoke with pride of his insistence that Border Patrol applicants pass marksmanship tests, with the most accurate getting the jobs. Following Roosevelt on the program, Bonaparte countered, tongue in cheek, that target shooting was not the way to get the best men. "Roosevelt should have had the men shoot at each other, and given the jobs to the survivors."

This seal belongs to Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). FBI belongs to United States. I also request my web site visitors to definitely visit this site and know who wanted by FBI. Serve FBI and help them to trace the curlpits. Below there's a official site of Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The site is

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CIA Seal

Also, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) belongs to USA. FBI, CIA and Scotland Yard Police are really hard and smart working people. No one escapes if anybody comes under them. I really love to work with these fellows.
The official website of Central Intelligence Agency -

Now, come to another link which is called MET Police. MET Police means MetroPolitan Police. MET Police is also known as London Police. To know more about Met Police visit the site

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